Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard

$249.00/yr. Go to Store

If your website’s security matters to you the most, you need an SSL certificate that is easy-to-use, easily scalable and manageable. Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard is all of that and much more. It offers the strongest encryption you can ask for and a long list of other features like $50,000 USD warranty, 2048-bit CSR encryption, 256 bit SSL encryption, unlimited server license. If your certificate is issued for *, being a primary domain can secure unlimited subdomains like,,, etc. Moreover, it is mostly compatible with all browsers, operating systems, and servers that is one of the prominent features behind choosing this certificate. Customers will never face any mismatch or insecure warning when your website is landed on the browser.

Features & Specification

Certificate Authority
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boosts Google Ranking
Validation Type Domain
Issuance Time 5 Minutes or Less
CSR Encryption 2048-bit
SSL Encryption 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited Subdomains
SAN Support no
Free Site Seal yes
Server Licenses Unlimited
SSL Re-issuance Unlimited
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99.9%
Warranty $50,000 USD
Refund Policy 30 Days Money Back

Why To Choose Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard?

Key features help to make the buying decision easy
secure unlimited subdomains

Secure Unlimited Subdomains

With Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard, you can secure the main domain and its unlimited subdomains with strong security. You can add multiple subdomains to the certificate without any additional price with the same security level.
strongest ssl encryption

Strongest SSL Encryption

Strong encryption keeps risks including MITM, data sniffing away from passing data between the server & the browser. It offers an easy site surfing and buying experience to customers as a result, it may increase visitors’ traffic.
free trust logo

Free Trust Logo

Free trust logo with real time assurance helps to increase the trust in your online web identity. Positive SSL Wildcard of Comodo indicates to customers & users that they are dealing with a secured website and their data is in safe hands.
99.9% browser compatibility

99.9% Browser Compatibility

No error messages & pesky compatibility issues. It works fine with all popular browsers. Either you browse over Firefox, chrome or any browser as well servers, you will not find a single SSL mismatch issue.
free reissues

Free Reissues

Wildcard of PositiveSSL comes with unlimited reissuance means you can reissue same certificate copy whenever you need for instance, loss of private key, required to install same SSL on another server.
unlimited server license

Unlimited Server Licence

Install certificate on multiple servers till the certificate life cycle comes with unlimited server license. There is no cost involved in extra installation on different servers thus, you can access same SSL across multiple servers.