Thawte SSL Web Server Wildcard

$268.00/yr. Go to Store

Thawte SSL Web Server Wildcard is an ideal certificate for those businesses who looks beyond encryption like business authentication. When you have Thawte Wildcard SSL your business not only gets encryption and authentication but the support of reputed Thawte brand that adds extra assurance in customer’s mind. It will create a positive impact on customers’ mindset, and they would like to deal with such a highly secured website. Website holder will have the dual benefit of the domain plus business validation. An HTTPS against domain name will be a reason for a ranking booster in a search engine, it will put website ahead of your competitors. Browser compatibility and assured warranty are the main advantages that an SSL seeker will get with this certificate. Thawte also offers a dynamic site seal that gives additional confidence to customers to browse a website.

Features & Specification

Certificate Authority
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boosts Google Ranking
Validation Type Domain + Business
Issuance Time 1 to 2 Business Days
CSR Encryption 2048-bit
SSL Encryption Up to 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited Subdomains
SAN Support yes
Free Site Seal yes
Server Licenses Unlimited
SSL Re-issuance Unlimited
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99%
Warranty $1,250,000 USD
Refund Policy 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Why To Choose Thawte SSL Web Server Wildcard?

Key features help to make the buying decision easy
robust encryption

Robust Encryption

Thawte Wildcard SSL makes the data between the server & the browser secure and protects against eavesdropping with the help of 256-bit encryption with 2048-bit RSA strength. A secure website with a robust encryption has more traffic.
ov assurance

OV Assurance

Prove the authenticity of your business over the web with Thawte Wildcard SSL certificate and create your business identity over the web showcasing your customers that you take their security seriously which will increase the traffic.
san support

SAN Support

Thawte SSL Web Server Wildcard not only provides business validation but also offers additional SAN support for different level subdomains’ protection in a cost-effective manner which helps businesses significantly.
1.25M warranty

$1.25M Warranty

$1.25M USD warranty is an extra security given in case of improper issuance of a certificate. This wildcard certificate provides monetary and security benefit which will boost visitors’ confidence and they deal easily with your site.
99% browser compatible

99% Browsers Compatible

This wildcard SSL certificate provides 99% compatibility with almost all the servers, OS and other browser without any SSL errors so your customers won’t receive any SSL warnings and they can browse the domain seamlessly.
dynamic site seal

Dynamic Site Seal

You will get a trust seal that shows extra assurance to your visitors. When visitors see that your website is secured with robust encryption, then you will have the highest level of trust and recognition for your website.