AlphaSSL Wildcard vs PositiveSSL Wildcard

To embolden the legitimacy of your website and offer a safe and secure surfing experience to your clients, it is essential to encrypt your website with an SSL certificate. However, it is common to get confused between the wide range of SSL certificates available on the internet. Each kind of certificate offers different benefits and features. It is for you to decide which one is the right fit for your website and aligns the best with your expectations.

This article compares and points out the differences between two popular types of SSL certificates, AlphasSSL Wildcard and PositiveSSL Wildcard.

Both the certificates are highly trusted by leading industry professionals and are offered by Comodo CA.

AlphaSSL Wildcard vs PositiveSSL Wildcard

Both the AlphasSSL Wildcard certificate and the PositiveSSL Wildcard certificate offers plenty of benefits. While both have their fair share of unifying elements, they have their differences as well when it comes to offering benefits to their users.

AlphaSSL Wildcard Certificate is extremely cost-effective and enough for the companies who just want to encrypt their single domain & its unlimited sub-domains information, transferred between the web browser and server. On top of that, it can be issued in as little as 10 minutes. Again, it is great for strong 256-bit encryption, it secures main domain and first-level unlimited subdomains. This certificate offers $10,000 warranty in case of any mis-issuance of a certificate.

PositiveSSL Wildcard Certificate offers the highest level of security for subdomains at reasonable prices. The certificate also offers a free site seal that you can put on any webpage of your website. Other features include, unlimited re-issuance policy, can be licensed for unlimited physical servers, $50,000 in warranty, and so forth.

How They Are Different?

To secure financial information and other sensitive data, SSL is required but when it is a question of protecting subdomains you need to think over Wildcard SSL certificate.

AlphaSSL and PositiveSSL Wildcard both are suited for small and medium-sized businesses that want to secure their first-level subdomains with 256-bit encryption.

Certainly, the AlphaSSL Wildcard certificate is cheaper than the PositiveSSL Wildcard certificate. If we look at the difference between both wildcard certificates, then pricing and warranty factors should be considered.

Pricing: The price factor comes to play a big role in deciding the wildcard certificate. Here, AlphaSSL wildcard price starts from $134/yr. while PositiveSSL wildcard starts at $237/yr.

Warranty: Another difference is the warranty that makes a huge difference while selecting the best wildcard SSL certificate. If we look at AlphaSSL wildcard, the warranty amount comes with $10,000 on another hand, PositiveSSL Wildcard SSL comes with $50,000 warranty amount.

If you are the budget concern or want to spend some extra amount, you can choose desire wildcard as per requirement.

Certificate Authority
Product Name AlphaSSL Wildcard Certificate Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard
1 Year Price $149.00 $249.00
2 Years Price $134.00/yr. $237.00/yr.
Supported Algorithm SHA-2 Enabled SHA-2 Enabled
SEO Benefit Boost Google rankings Boost Google rankings
Validation Type Domain Validation Domain Validation
Issuance Time 3 minutes or less 5 minutes or less
CSR Encryption 2048-bit 2048-bit
SSL Encryption up to 256-bit 256-bit
Domains Secured Unlimited subdomains Unlimited subdomains
SAN Support
Free Site Seal
Server Licenses unlimited unlimited
SSL Re-issuance unlimited during certificate lifespan unlimited
Browser & Mobile compatibility 99.00% 99.90%
Warranty $10,000 USD $50,000 USD
Refund Policy 7 Day money back 30 Day money back
Details Details

What Are Their Common Factors?

AlphaSSL Wildcard and PositiveSSL Wildcard certificates are different from each other. However, there are some common factors between both the SSL certificates that are hard to ignore.

Common factors between the AlphaSSL Wildcard & PositiveSSL Wildcard:

  • 2048-Bit Standard SSL type
  • Encryption Strength is 256-Bit
  • Both the certificates can be issued within minutes
  • Unlimited Sub-domains – Level 1 Wildcard support
  • Unlimited server licensing
  • 99.90% Web and Mobile browser compatibility


As you can discern from the breakdown above, each SSL certificate has its own set of unique features and similarities. If you don’t have any highly confidential information to store or financial transactions to carry out, then you can avail AlphaSSL Wildcard for a much lower price. However, if you want to go for brand and has no budget concern, then you should stick to PositiveSSL Wildcard Certificate.

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